2017 minutes
Minutes of the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the
International Ski Club of Zürich
Held at Swissotel, Zürich on Wednesday, 22nd November 2017
Welcome and Introduction
The President opened the meeting at 19.10. She welcomed the members present and introduced the Committee (see later for complete list).
Minutes of the Previous AGM
The minutes of the 31th AGM were tabled and approved.
President’s Report
The President presented an overview of the previous season’s events:
It was the 8th year of online registration for January ski school and this process as well as the lessons themselves were a success. The Aperos organised after the school were well attended and appreciated by members and ski instructors alike. The opening weekend Aperos were particularly successful and will be continued in 2018.
The fondue evening at Felsenegg in December 2017.
March ski school.
Davos weekend in April 2017.
Financial Report
The Auditor’s report and 2017 budget were presented and explained by the Treasurer. Brian Sparks audited the accounts as in previous years. Next year’s budget was discussed by The Treasurer, copies were tabled at the meeting. This was approved.
The proposal for FY17 is to reduce the cash reserve on the basis the organisation is not-for-profit.
1st May to 30th April accounting year
Year ahead
As in the prior year, the online registration for the ski school will continue. An Apero has been organised immediately following the AGM to address questions people might have about the ski school, with representatives from the ski school present (Vali and Joshua).
Expected events for this year are:
Fondue – 30th November 2017 – Felsenegg.
January ski school – with Aperos expected on the first Saturday & Sunday.
March ski school – Registration will open in February 2018.
Annual Davos visit – March/April 2018.
Summer apero(s) – date(s) to be confirmed.
Anyone who is a member of the club is welcome to organize an event with the approval of the committee. All input is welcome though there is a minimum requirement of 10 people per event. There has been some interest shown by the members in an avalanche course which will be followed up by the committee.
Reappointment of auditor
Brian Sparks was reappointed as auditor.
Committee re-election:
Yelena Rusch President
Chiara Diana Treasurer
Steve Patrick Secretary
Neil Swingler Web Master
Manus McAuley Communications Manager
Full details of the roles are available on the website.
Other Business
No other business, AGM closed at 19.35 and was followed by an information session with Q&A